(圧縮) Usage: mscompress [-h] [-V] [file ...] -h --help give this help -V --version display version number file... files to compress. (伸長) Usage: msexpand [-h] [-V] [file ...] -h --help give this help -V --version display version number file... files to decompress. If none given, use standard input.
(圧縮) Usage: compress [-dfvcVr] [-b maxbits] [file ...] -d If given, decompression is done instead. -c Write output on stdout, don't remove original. -b Parameter limits the max number of bits/code. -f Forces output file to be generated, even if one already. exists, and even if no space is saved by compressing. If -f is not used, the user will be prompted if stdin is. a tty, otherwise, the output file will not be overwritten. -v Write compression statistics. -V Output vesion and compile options. -r Recursive. If a filename is a directory, descend into it and compress everything in it. (伸長) Usage: uncompress [-dfvcVr] [-b maxbits] [file ...] -d If given, decompression is done instead. -c Write output on stdout, don't remove original. -b Parameter limits the max number of bits/code. -f Forces output file to be generated, even if one already. exists, and even if no space is saved by compressing. If -f is not used, the user will be prompted if stdin is. a tty, otherwise, the output file will not be overwritten. -v Write compression statistics. -V Output vesion and compile options. -r Recursive. If a filename is a directory, descend into it and compress everything in it.
(バージョン8pの場合) To compress: paq8p -level file (compresses to file.paq8p) paq8p -level archive files... (creates archive.paq8p) paq8p file (level -5, pause when done) level: -0 = store, -1 -2 -3 = faster (uses 35, 48, 59 MB) -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 = smaller (uses 133, 233, 435, 837, 1643 MB) You may also compress directories. To extract or compare: paq8p -d dir1/archive.paq8p (extract to dir1) paq8p -d dir1/archive.paq8p dir2 (extract to dir2) paq8p archive.paq8p (extract, pause when done) To view contents: more < archive.paq8p
「Ultimate Packer for eXecutables」の略で、その名の通り、実行形式のファイルを実行可能なまま圧縮する。圧縮率指定可。
Usage: upx [-123456789dlthVL] [-qvfk] [-o file] file.. Commands: -1 compress faster -9 compress better -d decompress -l list compressed file -t test compressed file -V display version number -h give more help -L display software license Options: -q be quiet -v be verbose -oFILE write output to 'FILE' -f force compression of suspicious files -k keep backup files file.. executables to (de)compress
「upx --help | less」で詳細オプションが参照できる。
- tar,gzip,bzip2について
- cpioについて
- LZMA圧縮されたファイルの扱いについて
- XZ圧縮されたファイルの扱いについて(前半)
- XZ圧縮されたファイルの扱いについて(後半)
- 雑多な圧縮ツールについて(前半)
- mscompress 0.3
- ncompress
- PAQ 8p
- UPX 3.04